Friday, May 15, 2009

ONCE UPON A TIME....Mommy took a shower.


What is the moral of this story? NEVER leave any half eaten food in dishes in reach of a 15 month old!


Rachel said...

Totally been there. We have to keep a baby gate up at all times or kara is on the table in two seconds! Hang in there, they do grow out of it! Someday!

Andrea said...

I can totally relate...funny story about Jessica! She just can't keep out of the cupboards when I leave her alone. Pots and pans all over!

Ben, Starlene, Aiden, Brynlee, and Kynzee said...

oh man. That really sucks. I love your face though.

Gina said...

That is so so real life, isn't it?
Is that spaghetti o's. Of all things to be spread about.

Hooray for Us! said...

Uh oh! Not too bad until you get to the carpet and red sauce is the WORST to get out! Good thing you love them so much, huh?

Laura said...

Wow! He really went to down. What a silly kid.