Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Brotherly Love!

Charlie was born to be a big brother, in more ways then the obvious fact that he was born first! He is SO good to Andy day after day!

These two play together so well! It makes me so happy to see them enjoy each others company so much.

Charlie is such a help to me, I cleaned my entire house today and he played with Andy and kept Andy out of the way for me for hours. Not to mention he cleans his own room and puts away his own laundry (with a little coaxing)...One less room for me to do!

Andy really is a very good baby. We've had a bit of a rough time as you know, with him being sick for so long. Turns out his ears weren't infected again, and his eye is fine today so I think it was just a little scratch that made it goo up but not infected! What a relief! I was prepping for the worst!

They are this Mommy's dream kids!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My mood matches the weather today!!!

So after a glorious warm sunny week, this is what we have today! Yes, those are snowflakes you can barely see...Grrr!!!!

Now most of you know how easily I get cold..But I had SUCH a good attitude about winter this year! The snow was lovely, the sky was lovely, and I was happy. We had gorgeous days like this that made me enjoy the season..

However, I am now OFFICIALLY over winter and this weather is bringing me down!
So this week Andy threw up a little Tuesday, was fine Wednesday, had a little diarrheah on Thursday, and then a lot of ear tugging on Saturday, and literally minutes before we all headed to church today he threw up again! So soon I will be taking him to yet ANOTHER PM pediatrics visit to see if he has this 3rd ear infection in 3 months...It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that he has been sick for 90% of these last 2 months...I am also scared that this is a new trend of monthly ear infections...I thought I was fine but then at church today I was telling my neighbor and I started to tear up! It is very frustrating! Soon though good weather will be here to stay and we'll figure all this out and he'll be back to normal..The sun will come out, tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow....There'll be suunn!!! ha ha ha! Now you all have that song in your head..You are welcome. :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Abra Cadabra!

Charlie has the cutest preschool! Every week they do some darling craft or costume item. The letter this week is W so he is a Wizard..Betcha can't guess which wizard?