DATE: September 12, 2008
TIME: 7:43 p.m.
SCENE OF THE CRIME: Nearly empty neighborhood
WITNESSES:Andy Cook/Christina Cook
EVIDENCE:One blood trail 1/4 mile long
PERPETRATOR: Gravel Blaster Bike
VICTIMS:Charlie Cook/one front tooth
Charlie's got a brand new smile.........
6 years ago
I should clarify that the pictures were taken the next day, this happened at dusk/almost dark and no one was around! Ben was at scout camp too! I called Laura in tears and she came over so I could hunt down the tooth. My niece Maddie sang Charlie songs to help him feel better. So sweet. Thanks guys!...The tooth fairy came a little early!
That is a cute story set in the crime scene. But I am sure I would be freaking out if my child wrecked on a bike and lost his tooth. Poor guy! He looks happy in the last pictures. Good thing he has a cousin that is willing to serenade him to cheer him up! ;)
Oh how scary! I hope he's ok. Good thing it was just a baby tooth. Will he be toothless until the new one grows in?
Poor Charlie, it looks like it really hurt. I would have cried to! I am glad everything turned out okay!
You should take a new picture of Charlie, his smile is much cuter now that his lip isn't swollen.
HA! Trey did this same thing when he was only 2! His tooth has finally grown back in. Dang, that is one honkin' root!
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