Wednesday, September 3, 2008

AHOY Matey!

Charlie started his second year of preschool today (please note his obligatory fake smile for Mom). This; however, is my FIRST time taking him to preschool when I am actually home! Most of you know he went to preschool last year but it was at the childcare center that he had gone to for years when I was at work all day, so it was a bit different. They had a pirate theme. He had SUCH a fun time!

Here he is displaying his loot. He said "I have the best school ever!" Clearly the first day pirate kickoff was a hit!

I also thought I'd post this picture of the face I am greeted with each morning and after every nap! He is so sweet!


Andrea said...

I just want to kiss little Andy's sweet face! What a cutie! I am so glad Charlie is having fun at school and with soccer, he's so grown up. See ya Wednesday...oops, I don't know what's happening Wednesday... :-)

Christina W. Cook said...

Ha ha! Yes, Andrea, please work on your surprised face from now until then!