Sunday, July 19, 2009

HARVEST TIME at the Cooks!

We spent a few minutes in our garden tonight.

These are the fruits of our labors........

The joys of gardening..wuh wuh wuuuhhhh....


Joni said...

GROSS! Those are huge!

Gina said...

Tomato Worms are the worstestest!
What did you do with them afterward? I hope they learned their lesson!

Christina W. Cook said...

We bagged them up and threw them in the trash. Luckily it was Sunday night so the trash man came the next day!

Andrea said...

Yuck! At first i thought, "Oh, what weird cucumbers." Then i saw the antennae. Blurg!

Becky said...

I thought they were some wierd kind of squash until I saw all of the comments. You are brave! I think I would have sprayed the entire yard with some deadly chemical & bagged gardening for the year.