Andrea tagged me to list 6 quirks so here goes!
1. Sniff sniff.....I need to smell all new food before putting it into my mouth. Ben teases me, but really, all I need is one good sniff and I already know whether or not I want a taste. I also REALLY love to sniff a freshly opened Snickers bar. Almost more then actually eating it. The eating is usually a slight let down after the awesome aroma!
2. This one drives Ben crazy-I am lazy when it comes to screwing lids on things tightly. I just set lids on top of stuff and this can cause problems when someone else (namely Ben) tries to pick it up by the lid! Peanut butter, bottles of pills, hairspray, you name it and the lid might not be on tight at my house...
3. I spell words in my mouth with my tongue on my teeth. The last word someone said, or a word I am thinking of. Now that is embarrassing and strange, I KNOW!
4. I make up and sing the dumbest songs to my kids...Those of you who know me best know my knack for singing about the mundane. One of my most popular right now is "keep it up, keep it up, you're doing great" which is to be sung when Charlie is cleaning his room. He will amazingly clean his entire room and put away all his clean laundry and make his bed with a smile on his face if I sing/chant that the whole time. Small price to pay to get him to enjoy his chores! I also have several versions about how cute the baby is and things like that. Sometimes I sing "go get your shoes on," and other instructions. Charlie also seems to have inherited/learned this talent and it's very cute when he sings his responses to me..Now that isn't weird is it?
5. I have a major aversion to doing laundry. Especially putting it away. I would rather clean the ENTIRE house then fold and put away the laundry. This one I share with Andrea but I'm having a hard time thinking of 6 so I had to post it anyway. ;-)
6. It's hard to think of 6 that I will make public without embarrassing myself......Sorry..I guess 5 is all you get!
I tag Becky G. and Kari S.....GO!
6 years ago
I laughed heartily all through that post!
I always new you were quirky :)! I have been tagged on this one several times but couldn't think of what to put, I think I am too normal...though some may disagree.
Haha! Those were fun to read. I am also guilty of not putting caps all the way back on. We've had salad dressing on the wall a few times from Randy going to shake it before realizing the lid was not all the way on.
Funny! We share a couple I guess...I sing everything too and I HATE laundry! I'll fold it, but it will sit folded on the floor or back in the basket for a day or two sometimes before I put it away!
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