I'm really behind blogging! I've got to do Christmas and Andy's birthday, and some other fun things we've been up to. However, loading my pictures from my camera to my computer seems like such a chore right now! You'll just have to wait! But for now, these are a few of the things Andy says that I just LOVE, and want to remember always.
When asked what my name is he says, "Daskeena!"
He calls tractors "trapters".
He calls his babysitter Rosario "Buh-sario".
He calls the dental light at my work "Dr. Toby." I work for Dr. Stobbe (Stobey). He then somehow mixed that up into thinking the dental light was the doctor! Not sure how but he likes Dr. Toby!
He calls yogurt "Rogurt." Turns out now they actually make Scooby-Doo themed yogurt they call "Rogurt" so naturally I had to buy it!
I can't think of anything else right now, but whenever Ben or Charlie corrects his pronunciation I always shush them! I know he'll grow out of his cute way of speaking far too soon!
6 years ago