Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tis the Season...For back to school pics!

One crazy day back in 2002, Ben got a raise. That's right. It wasn't a lot of money, but it seemed like it was at the time. We thought, well, now..Let's buy a house and have a baby!

After 11 months of waiting, wondering....We were blessed to become pregnant with our little darling Charlie boy. Who, let's face it, at 8 lbs and 10 oz, with a HUGE Cranium...Well, he was quite the healthy little darling.
There were nights that Ben and I thought he'd never "grow out of it." There were nights that would never end. But boy, oh boy..Things do change, and sometimes faster then we want them to.

Five and a half years later....Well, he's one of our very best friends in the whole world. He always tries his best to be good. He is not perfect but I often tell him that he has a heart of gold. Ben and Charlie tell me I have a heart of chocolate. But that's beside the point. He's genuinely a great kid. We love our little Charlie-Boy with all our hearts.

So in honor of Charlie's first day at kindergarten, this post is dedicated to him. And how much we love him. Mommy, Daddy, and little Andy all love Charlie so. We are so proud of our grown up boy.

Each milestone that passes is a happy and exciting one, but Mom's know it's so hard to let your kids grow up. I want him to stay my little bud forever.

Love you sweetie!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Super Hero Days

Ben spent the entire week last week at Scout Camp. I've gotten used to it after almost 10 years of marriage, 9 of which he's been in scouts. However, sometimes things still go bump in the night and I wind up feeling jumpy.

This year though I had some fierce protectors visit.

Friends Shawn and Bradley (AKA-Batman 1, Batman 2, and Batman 3).

Super Max and Super Charlie. Even heros need downtime!

This super hero's talent is being adorable. Pretty powerful if you ask me.

I was in good hands.